Sexual assault allegations against Vijith Herath's Ministry Secretary!

Sexual assault allegations against Vijith Herath's Ministry Secretary!

Former Ambassador to Kenya Sunil Silva is serving as the Private Secretary to Foreign Minister Vijith Herath.

Sunil Silva has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman named Anzul Jhan, who is currently serving as the Deputy High Commissioner of Canada, during his time as Ambassador to Kenya.

Sunil Silva was appointed to the post of Ambassador because he had previously provided a loan facility to the daughter of the then President Maithripala Sirisena while working at Seylan Bank.

After that, when the investigations regarding this sexual assault began, Anzul Jhan was urgently brought to Sri Lanka.

Following these investigations, Sunil Silva, who joined forces with a famous politician in Ratnapura, gained great political benefits.

Following that, he joined the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP).

Today, such dull, ignorant characters are appointed as Secretaries of the Ministry of External Affairs and are taking personal revenge on others.

Mr.Vijith Herath Minister, of External Affairs, is it right for you, who are so knowledgeable, to appoint such criminals to ministerial positions? 

In addition, we have attached a letter signed by Anzul Jhan, who is currently serving as the Deputy High Commissioner of Canada and was sexually harassed.

In the said circumstances, I request for your gracious consideration to permit me to
remain in Nairobi and defer my transfer until a formal inquiry on
The sexual harassment to the self by the HC Sunil Silva is conducted by an
independent panel consisting of independent and equal number of women, also
considering that the only two other Sri Lankan ladies at the Mission have also
experienced difficult circumstances and are awaiting an opportunity to submit
e v i d e n c e .

Yours faithfally

い て か
Anzuf Jhan
Deputy High Commissioner
(SLFS Grade)